Our Story

Pat spent 3 years recording flora in Blackhead and Ballyryan, areas of international importance situated in the Northwest part of the Burren. He is a keen flora photographer and gardener and has a growing collection of succulents and cacti.
Gill spends her leisure time growing fruit and vegetables, free from pesticides, which she uses in the preparation of breakfast for her guests.
The MacNamara family have farmed this land for generations. Pat’s farming of outwintering the cattle, a long standing tradition in the Burren, helps to minimise damage whilst contributing to the preservation of the biodiversity of the habitats.
Guests are welcome to explore the working suckler farm and learn of the traditions..
As Orchid House is a well-insulated, energy efficient home with newly installed solar water system, guests are afforded a more sustainable and ecofriendly environment in which to relax.